Choice Based Lettings
When properties become available for rent they are advertised on the Homes Connections website by the Housing Solutions Service. Priority housing applicants, including Westminster council tenants, can then bid for these properties using their housing priority and points. This is called Choice Based Lettings.
Lettings Policy
Westminster Community Homes is a landlord that provides long and short term accommodation for City Council nominees through a nominations agreement. WCH takes all of its nominations from the City Council's waiting list, this process is entirely managed by the City Council's Housing solutions service for social housing and by Home Ownership Westminster for Intermediate and Shared Ownership.
Firstly, you can find out if you are eligible to be on the Housing Register by visiting the Council website here
Homeownership Westminster
Home Ownership Westminster is a City Council Service that can help those who live or work in Westminster to get onto the property ladder or access intermediate rented options which are principally designed for working households.